Starting new in...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Everybody can make a difference

Recently, thanks to some friends, I've found out about an interesting project It's an site, or a mission as they call them self, which allows you to lend a small amount of money (starting from 25 $) to small entrepreneurs in the third world countries. On the site you can see what they are doing, support their cause, follow the progress and watch as they repay you.

I like this idea very much and I think I've found, at least for now, the best way I can help others that have less then me. Of course, I'll keep my eyes open for the new ways all the time. Actually there is one more idea I have in my head since my trip to Liverpool, but I'll write more about this some other time.

That's all for now, if you feel insipred to give:

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