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Monday, May 26, 2008

Productivity - when it goes too far

I'm a big fan of organizing your life and doing things in a productive way. I'm not saying I'm a perfect example of that, but I'm working on it. One of the reasons why I like it is because, if done right, you actually relieve yourself from stress and get a chance to enjoy everyday life more. Except for my own ideas about it I'm also reading blogs like and there are often good advices to be found on this sites. But sometimes people just go to far. I've just read a post about a guy who is keeping track of his haircut with some fancy combination of Google Spreadsheet and Calendar. As the post says: "...a good way to make sure he doesn't get too overgrown". I prefer to look my self in the mirror in the morning. :-) And if we look at it from the productivity measure I think that takes less then entering each haircut appointment into a spreadsheet.

Anyway, be productive, but don't automate everything in your life, because then somebody just might write a computer program to replace you :-)



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