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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Resting in friendly envorionment

Few days ago I arrived to Riga for a meeting. Since I arrived early (catching the cheapest connection) I had a chance to spend two wonderful days with my old and dear friend. We went to her aunts place near (100 m) to the sandy beach of Baltic sea. What was so great in these days was the fact that we had nothing to do. Now this may sound strange and boring, but when you come from one busy and stressful environment and are about to go to another one that will be full of work, socializing and sleepless night, this break comes perfect for both body and mind.

Still, this doesn't mean that we slept the whole day. The days consisted of long walks on the beach, cooking (which I enjoy very much, but don't have a chance to do properly often), long night talks under the stars on the terrace and some creative artwork.

In life you meet certain people that for one reason or another you build a special connection to, even if you might not know this in the beginning. What I realized during this few days is that it's important to never forget those friends. Even if you grow apart during time or lose contact (though today, this is very hard to do completely thanks to the internet and modern technology) it's refreshing to reconnect and every now and then spend some time together.

Another realization came from the "artwork" activity. I forgot how fun it can be playing with clay and doing stuff with your hands. Though similar feeling comes from coding or other virtual work that I've been occupied with in the last decade, really using you hands, your touch, to shape real world, materialized things has it charm. Creativity is important here too and a good way to improve it.


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