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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Letters, words, sentances, books

As a child I didn't like to read. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I didn't discover the right books when I was small and then, when the school started, it became an obligation. And I guess there is something in the basic human nature to define things he somebody else imposes.

It wasn't until high school that I realized that I do like (some) books and only in college I started really loving the act of reading. The only problem then was that I was already late and chronically without time (see two posts before). But this year I decided to make a change. How did I solve the problem of time? Well, in general by getting more organized, but I'll write about this some other time. As far as books are related, I try to read as often as I can. I stopped watching TV (and TV shows on computer) and I always have a book next to my bad. Major help are also audio books. It helps pass time while commuting to work/school/airport when it's unpractical to hold a book in hand (or you should keep attention on your personal belongings - Milan is not the safest place to live in).

How did I solve the problem of being late and missing out on years of reading. Well, that's not something one can solve that easy. But I've made a list, with the help of others, of must read books. And I'm just taking it one by one.

What I would also like to start doing is to keep a journal of the things I've read and how I felt about them and any other associations that I might have at the moment.

That's one of the things you can expect to find here from time to time.

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